Sunday, May 8, 2022

Asking for It and Getting It - China's Lockdown

There is a complete lockdown for three days in my hometown village in China. No one allowed out on the street. Once caught will be taken away for self paid quarantine. And his is supported by many, including my parents, relatives and people like my brother. I don't think they will appreciate Heaven...since they enjoy Hell so much. Xi is a disgusting servant of Satan. Compared with him, Putin is an admirable man. 

No one—no people, culture, society, or country will escape the verdict that one passes on oneself. That's the justice and mercy of God. We will all get what we want thanks to his mercy and what we deserve through his justice. The two are perfectly reconciled as he knows us thoroughly. 

What I am writing is a paraphrase of what William Liu.

His point is - there is no discrepancy between divine mercy and justice just as there is no logical or actual conflict between the human and divine nature of Jesus - which is precisely the demonstration of the supreme wisdom of God.  He added that the longer he lives and observes God's operation, the more he realizes what we want and what we deserve are the same thing.  

If I may elaborate, some people might fancy or claim that they want freedom and democracy and justice, yet in reality they want a Soviet Union ( Communist China) without the Communist Party, so they've got the Russia under Putin. In another word,  they may say they want fairness and peace and prosperity, in reality they are not prepared to do anything to achieve that or safeguard it, instead all they want is to benefit personally from fairness and peace even at the cost of greater injustice and bloodshed for others - much the same as  the Jews who in the name of mercy asked for the liberation of a murderous Barabbas at the cost of the life of Jesus who is the Way, Truth, and Light. Well, those who asked for it, got it. 

Unless you really, really want freedom and life, want it so much that you'd rather die for it, you don't want it and therefore don't deserve it.


Don't tell others, but this evening getting home, entering into my apartment door, after the pleasant weekend, having said goodbye to __...